Monthly Astrological Predictions

Archive for September, 2018

Autumn Energies

Autumn is a time of the year which represents balance and enlightenment. It gives us the power to look back over the spring and summer to see if we had fulfilled our goals, dreams, aspirations and desires. It makes us realize that procrastination is a negative force in the universe, a blocking of life force energy, (chi), that will not allow us to go happily in to our futures. We need to be persistent in our goals and must create, journey and explore our universe to find our true happiness and discover what boundless accomplishments we could bestow upon the world. It is a selfless time to contemplate, meditate and dream of your futures. It gives us that much needed pause to slow down and start prioritizing our lives so that we can make it the best we can with the most positive results for all involved.

The Autumnal Equinox is also about celebrating what you have accomplished and reveling in those positive accomplishments. It is a magnificent time to think of others and realize how lucky we truly are to have journeyed far into ourselves with understanding, truth and compassion. This makes us realize that any charitable gesture or action can make a difference in someone’s life no matter how small and the feeling of sharing, giving, exchanging and bartering your gifts with others will always make you feel blessed and humble as you help your fellow human beings in this third dimensional plane.When the leaves start to fall, it is as though the universe has given in to the rationalization that all things must eventually die and be reborn in due course. It is the never-ending cycle or circle of life that we have become accustomed to. It is life as we know it. This is our second chance to make things right, to find that balance within us and to live life the way we had always intended…with peace, love, harmony, joy, good health and an abundance in all things. Happy Autumn to all!

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